Please deliver multitracks as 24bit WAV files, at the same sample rate they were recorded.
Please include a rough mix, and make sure that the multitrack matches the arrangement of the rough mix EXACTLY. The rough mix should represent the vibe of the track, or what you/the artist/the producer have been listening to and signed off as being ready to mix.
Lead Vocals: Please supply dry, separated files without any processing, EQ, compression, or tuning. Baby, I like it raw! The exceptions here are deliberately hard tuned, distorted, pitch/formant shifted vocals or any other “production” type stuff. They’re part of “the sound”, so generally I’d like to receive them like that. If in doubt, send both dry and processed versions and label them clearly.
Backing Vocals: Please send these processed and blended as you like them. A dry and a wet version would be great, and if it’s easy, having the separate vocal tracks can also be very useful in a pinch!
Instruments: Please include any reverbs, delays and any other important production elements on instruments. If you’ve found a rad spring reverb for that guitar part, I want it!
Please make sure your tracks aren’t clipping! It might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often stuff comes in distorting (and not in the nice way).
Please apply your own time correction, if needed. If you don’t, it increases turnaround time, and my feeling for groove won’t be exactly the same as yours. Do be wary of time stretching algorithms in your DAW (“Flex Time” in Logic, or “Warp” in Ableton, etc). These methods often introduce unwanted artefacts, and more elegant solutions can often be pursued. If in doubt, just holler.
If you work in Ableton, please also include your session file (with all assets, samples etc. collected). This way, if I need to grab a dry version of a track etc, I don’t have to bother you!
No Google Drive links please – They often arrive with files missing and cause headaches for everyone! Dropbox and WeTransfer are great, but if file size is an issue, just let me know and I can send you an upload link.